Free Goldfinch Wallpaper for Computers, Tablets and Phones

collage goldfinch on a blue patterned background with June 2021 calendar - free wallpaper for computers, tablets and phones

Happy June! Here’s your new monthly wallpaper for computers and phones and other devices!

I’m still really excited about the new Backyard Birds quilt pattern, so I thought I’d share the drawing that started it all.

In 2020 I finished the 100 Day Project for the first time. I broke the project up into ten mini-projects – each with its own theme. One of the last themes I did was Birds, and as I was drawing my second bird (this goldfinch) I started to wonder about the possibility of creating a set of templates that could be used to create almost any songbird. I played with the idea for ten days and decided it WAS possible! This year I finally made that happen, testing out a new pattern by creating over 100 different birds from one set of mix & match templates. That was my 100 Day Project for 2021!

Download your wallpaper for computers, phones, or tablets below. You can get it both with and without the June calendar, in case you want to keep that pretty goldfinch on your screens during other months of the year. 🙂

Want to scroll through previous wallpaper options? You can find them all here.

Happy June!