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Knook (knitting with a crochet hook): is it worth learning?

Have you heard of the Knook (pronounced ‘nook’)? It’s a very clever hook/technique that allows you to form a fabric that looks like knitting by using a special crochet hook.

While it’s a very interesting idea, it requires learning new stitches (not crochet stitches or knit stitches), so isn’t exactly a short cut for learning to knit. I’ll show you know knooking is done, then chat about the pros and cons, so you can decide whether you’d want to learn to knook, or would rather just learn to knit.

How to knook

The knook is a crochet hook with an eye at the non-hook end (exactly like a locker hook, if you’re familiar with one) accompanied by a nylon cord. I haven’t seen knooks for sale alone in the store, so you’re probably best off grabbing The Knook Beginner Set, which comes with a variety of hooks, cords and a beginners book. Videos about how to knook are available on the Leisure Arts Website, and they’re pretty clear and easy to follow.

You begin knooking by threading the cord into the eye in the hook. The first row is done by crocheting a single chain, nothing tricky!

To Knook the first row, you insert your hook into the chain stitches and pick up your working yarn… similar to how you would work in Tunesian Crochet. Then, you slip all of your loops onto the cord:

To continue, you use the hook to pick up a new row of stitches, inserting the hook into the loops that are now held on the cord. Whether you make knit or purl stitches depends on which way you wrap the yarn around the hook.

The fabric looks pretty impressively like a knit fabric!

The Advantages of Knooking

The advertisement is true: you can accomplish a fabric that looks like a knit fabric by using only the knook (crochet hook + cord). For crocheters, there are some big advantages:

  • If you’re already familiar with using a crochet hook, the movements will feel very natural, most likely making the technique easier to learn.
  • The first row is done by crocheting a chain, so there’s no need to learn a cast on.
  • Stitches remain on the cord while you’re working, so there’s less danger of dropped stitches (but see my exception to this in the next section).

The Downsides to Knooking

There’s no doubt that it’s a clever tool, but there are some downsides to learning knooking, especially if your goal is to make knitted items that you’ll see in patterns:

  • You need to learn how to wrap the yarn to knit and purl- these aren’t the same stitches that you already know from crochet.
  • A fair amount of translation is required if you wanted to make an item from a knitted pattern. There are knooking books available, but you’d be limited to that small selection of patterns.
  • The stitches are kept on a nylon cord with no method of securing the stitches. If you were to toss your knooking in a bag, you’ve have oodles of dropped stitches if the cord came out.

Is it worth it?

I’m going to start with an interesting statistic that I’ve gathered after years of teaching knitting and crochet. Knitters, when first learning crochet, typically do no better than the rest of the novice crocheters. (sorry, knitters!) However, crocheters, when learning to knit, typically learn much faster than newbie knitters!

Crocheters already know how to tension the yarn, hold things in their hands, and all they really need to learn (in order to knit) is how to pass a stitch from one needle to another. In my experience, with a good teacher and when learning to knit continental (i.e. holding the yarn in the left hand, which is how a crocheter holds it when crocheting), crocheters have a fairly easy time learning to knit.

So, if you’re deciding whether to learn to knook, it’s important to think about your goals. Do you want to knit socks? Learn to knit. Do you want to knit sweaters? Learn to knit. Do you just love the look of knitted fabric and want to make small projects? Maybe knooking is for you.

One main factor is that the knook is a product manufactured by one company… so you only have one hook style available to you and a limited selection of pattern books. Both crocheting and knitting have available lots of different hooks/needles to suit your particular style, and patterns made my thousands of designers. In order to invest time in learning to knook, you’ll have to be sure that you’re happy being limited to the options available.

I have spoken with some people who love that the action uses a crochet hook, and much prefer knooking over learning to knit. Wonderful! I’m happy whenever someone finds what works for them!

But if you have a hankering to knit… I’d recommend giving knitting a try!




  1. huh. This is the first I’ve heard of Knooking. It sounds interesting.. I’m just not sure what I’d really do with it. Are there any examples of patterns using the technique? Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hey Michelle- To the best of my knowledge, the only patterns come from the company, Leisure Arts. Although, if you get the hang of it, you could potentially do any knitting pattern…

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  3. Hmm, that’s really interesting! I’ve been wondering about the Knook since I saw it mentioned on Ravelry a few months ago. Sometimes my hands get really crampy after hours spent knitting and I was vaguely wondering if it might be a good thing to try in that case (maybe the different hand motions of crocheting wouldn’t bother so much?). But I don’t think it’d be worth learning an entirely new way to wrap the yarn separate from knit or crochet. So thanks for the info 🙂

    • @Triona: If you already knit… I definitely wouldn’t learn to knook. You might want to learn to knit with your other hand (either throwing or continental) to switch it up, or work on a project with a different gauge (switching between a bulky and a sock-weight, for example).

    • Anonymous SAYS...

      Knooking is hard on your hands in doing the knit stitch. The purl stitch is really easy. Also the eye on bamboo knook will split and your work gets all mangled up, because the nylon cord will come out of the eye.

  4. I am with you. Why learn something when you can already knit? Though I learned crochet first, I still can not knit continental yet. Personally, I would skip it & just learn to knit.

  5. Kathy SAYS...

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking for Knook Patterns. I am in need of patterns for baby items or afghans of any kind. If you have one please send to my E-mail at

    Thanks for your help!


    • ginny4theredsox SAYS... has in the tabs at top…… Knook!
      Click on knook and click all knook. Then scroll through and see all knook books, ebooks, epatterns, knook hooks. weather paid or free.

    • Taylor SAYS...

      Hi, just wanted to say that after 40+ years of trying to learn to knit, with no success, i decided to try knooking, and within an hour i was knitting with no problems at all, to the extent that i now use ‘normal’ knitting patterns to knook, with no problems, and love knitting have loads of free baby patterns, of which i have completed several by knooking

  6. I started off by learning crochet, then became interested in learning to knit and I found knooking to be a great stepping stone between the two crafts. it was much easier to pull the stitches through with the knook than with a knitting needle to bedin with. Now though, I love knitting and I find it much easier, smoother and faster than knooking so I wouldn’t go back 🙂

    • I have only watched the videos for the Knook, and I love what I see. This is definitely on my list for the next project.

  7. Jean in NH SAYS...

    Disclaimer: I’m old. Like over 50 old. (But not much so don’t lump me into the Medicare set – yet).

    When I was a kid, there was a device called the K Tel Knitter advertised on TV. My mother was a terrific knitter and crocheter and we thought she would love it! My brother and I pooled our money and went to the local 5 & 10 (See? I told you I was old!) and bought one for my mother for Christmas. She feigned adoration at the gift when she opened it and tried it once or twice before putting it aside. My 8 year old brother, who was always in trouble at school (I think he had prehistoric ADHD – before it was actually a diagnosis) and could not sit still EVER picked it up one night. He started working it and using the horrifc ball or Yuckcrylic yarn that came with it. Quietly. Sitting in the chair. By himself. The next how-do-ya-do we turned around and he had almost knitted a scarf for himself! It was no Ritalin but boy – did he ever settle down when he started K Tel knitting! My mother used to keep it in our wood-paneled-station-wagon-with-no-seatbelts for when we went for rides and he cranked up the annoying factor. She handed it over the bench seat in the front to him and there was peace in the world once more. I like to think of it as the first portable DVD player.

    Google it – the You Tube commercial is exactly as I remember it: the announcer’s rapid speech, the bouffant hairdo, the “fashions” you can create with it.

    I need to start trolling the thrift stores – maybe someone is cleaning Grandma’s house out and one will show up.

    Thanks for indulging me with this walk down memory lane.

    Think I’ll skip the Knook.

    • Zeraphine SAYS...

      OMGoodness, now I FINALLY know what those weird looking things are in my Nana’s old crochet box! My Mom & I had no idea what they were! I might just try using them and see what I get, haha… Will likely just stick to crocheting though, but now we know what they are! Thanks! 🙂

    • Judith Beaulac SAYS...

      I had a K-tel knitter, too! Don’t remember what may have happened to it, though.
      I don’t think I’ll bother to learn to Knook, either. BUT, I do wish straight knitting needles were available with tails like the Knook has. I find using circular needles to be awkward for flat projects.

    • Karil SAYS...

      Your story wqs both insightful and delightful–thank you!

  8. Pingback: Something Awful and Something Awesome | cookiecuttyer

  9. sharon SAYS...

    Hi Jean in NH
    I do remember the K Tel Knitter as advertised on TV. I’m in my sixty’s so maybe I’m older than you. I can’t remember how I got the knitter. I home alone a lot because my husband was a truck driver, so I needed to do something to fill in the time in the evening. I never crocheted or knitted before. I made baby booties which were knitted and crocheted and I thought this was great. When I was in my early labour I made a 2 prs of booties that night. One in blue and pink because back then they didn’t know the sex of the baby. I had nothing in blue yet. I did have a boy who is now 39 yrs old. The labour nurses watched how the knitter worked and they were amazed how it worked. I ended up having a c-section. After a couple of days nurses were coming to my room and asking about the knitter and I would show them and they thought it was great. I did make a sweater that was in the book that came with the knitter. I still have the big knitter but the smaller hook broke and the book fell apart and then disintegerated. I eventualy learned how to crochet with proper hooks now. I can not knit with 2 needles. Then I came across the knook and I do like it but I have a pattern for chemo caps made with regular knitting needles and am trying to figure out how to ssk(slip one knitwise) with the knook. Also the pattern has sssk.

  10. Donna SAYS...

    I usually crochet, but have been learning to knit. While learning to knit I’ve also been playing with the Knook and just find it to be relaxing. Yes, the yarn is put on the crochet hook differently, but I like to experiment with different ways of doing things so am hailing fun with it. It was harder to do the purl stitch, but now I’ve got it!
    Not planning on doing any big projects with the knook, but will be fine for small ones.

  11. Mandy SAYS...

    to the lady speaking about the K Tel – I looked it up on ebay and found some –

    As far as knooking – I love it – Im a crocheter and cant knit to save my life but I have tried the double ended hooks and tunisian crochet and I love them all – Ill always be a crocheter but these are great to create different textures ect

    Give knooking a try 🙂

  12. Mandy SAYS...

    Also i just tried knooking with a locker hook – works well!!

  13. KnitKnack SAYS...

    Just today at Michael’s, I discovered the “Knook.” Was intrigued, bec. I immediately recognized the brilliance of the concept (combining Tunisian crochet with cable-knitting needles). Bought one right away with a 60% off coupon, rarin’ to get home and try it.

    Well. 🙁

    HUGE disappointment. As an avid blitzcrocheter (since 1963) and blitzknitter (since 1967) and knitting machine-holic (since 1992), I can only say, **CHUCK** the “Knook.” Who ever heard of making knitting HARDER? The points of the needles are FAR superior for doing the knit stitch than the “Knook.” I don’t care how proficient someone might get with the Knook, they’ll NEVER be able to match the NASCAR track speed attainable with knitting needles.

    I’m only hoping Michael’s (with their finicky return policy) will refund me my $$$.

  14. Anna SAYS...

    Very good article. I have found that some of the stitches that are geared towards the double ended hook works well for the knook.. I only make flat projects with them both, however.

    Best wishes!

  15. R. A SAYS...

    The problem I’m having with the Knook is that I cannot figure out how to control the tension. When I slide the stitches from the hook to the cord, the stitch eats any slack in the loop. Not only does this mean stitch tension is a pain, but it’s really hard to get the hook back into the stitch when I work the next row. I did better with needles… huge disappointment for someone who was hoping that knooking would be easier for a crocheter like me to learn!

  16. Roseanne Salyer SAYS...

    Always something new to learn. thanks



    • @Shirley I’m not sure if longer ones are available… you may want to contact Leisure Arts (the manufacturer)

      • The knook needles aren’t available longer, I believe, but…
        you can use the knook technique also with afghan hook needles. There are also different size of cables. 😀
        I’ve tried it and it works. Have fun.

    • Tara H. SAYS...

      If you are a handy person, you can actually make longer knook hooks with dowels that you can purchase at Ace Hardware, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. My friend, Cheryl has her brother make them for her. I guess it is a lot of sanding down, but it might be an option for you!

      • That’s a great idea, Tara… thank you!

  18. Robin SAYS...

    The knook is great. I purchased the knook about 8 months ago and just love it. I have always been able to crochet and have dabbled at knitting but just never really “got” it. With the nook not only an l creating knitted items, but i finally understand knitting stitches. I have made a few items using standard knitting instructions with no trouble at all. If you can crochet this is a really easy method to teach yourself and transition into knitting.

    • @Robin- Thanks so much for telling us about your experience! So good to hear from a knook user 🙂

      • Cindy SAYS...

        I like to make hats on the circular knitting machine and wonder if anyone has knooked the crown so it’s not as bulky and can fit a bigger head. I’d sure like to do it that way instead of DPNs or circular knitting needle though I have done it those ways. I think that Knooking might be easier. If anyone has any information about that I’d love to know. Thank-you!

  19. Pete SAYS...

    @Robin I agree with you. I’ve been knitting for just a few years and picked up the knook this summer to learn something new and have really enjoyed it. It’s doing the job of two knitting needles, a circular needle, and in a pinch, a tapestry needle. Full disclosure – so far, I’ve only worked small projects – scarfs, cowls, and small toys (amigurumi).

    @Jean, i’m super intrigued by this K Tel Knitter. Looks like a handy little device.

    @Stacey, thanks so much for posting this article. You have a really nice blog. Great work!

  20. Nilda Torres SAYS...

    Hello there! I am a crocheter and recently started “playing” with the knook. Love it!! However, I’ve purchased a knook book that includes a few beanie patterns and am having difficulty with the length of the stitches and where to put them, etc. (when stitches are more than the hook can hold). Do you have a videos or tutorials that will take us through the steps of making, say, a complete hat/beanie. I’m visual and it helps to see how the stitches are placed from row to row. Other than that I like the look and softness of the results. Thanks in advance for any tips you can throw my way!

  21. Anna SAYS...

    very interesting, I do both knit abd crochet

  22. Marny CA SAYS...

    Just as with lengths of knitting needles, the Knooking hook can have a longer cord; the stitches do NOT have to stay on the hook itself.

  23. Elizabeth Young SAYS...

    I am a painfully slow knitter, I crochet some and have a knitting machine but cannot take the machine with me. lol I am making a hat for my granddaughter using a regular knitting book . just make a swatch and match the guage there are numbers on the hooks but you need to try as your tension may be different. my daughter says she never saw me make progress so fast. I work a little loose and just slide them off on the cord. I currently have 92 stitches. I use a clip to keep from accidently pulling the cord through too soon. I am now making increases for kitty ears I also downloaded a free pattern for a crown down hat in sizes from premie to adult male using the “magic ring” cast on similar to starting a circular crochet pattern such as a granny square. so for me thumbs up for the knook.

  24. Brenda SAYS...

    I bought myself the Knook before Christmas. I’m an avid crocheter. My Nana taught me to crochet when I was little, but because I’m left-handed, she could never teach me knitting. I have over a dozen books that say “left-handed instructions included”. That’s bunk. There’s usually a one-paragraph description that reads something like this “just do all these same things, only with your left hand.” TOTALLY not helpful. All this to say, I’m just about finished making a scarf w/ the Knook using just the knit stitch. I can already see how this is going to help me translate to needles. I plan to attempt a scarf using knitting needles and just the knit stitch next. Then I’ll move on to purl w/ knook, then w/ needles. I’m loving that it helps me visualize what knitting looks like & getting the mechanics down. I think I’ll be a crochter, knooker, knitter someday (soon).

  25. Glenna SAYS...

    I just picked up the 3 needle set of the Knook at Walmart, as I can crochet “anything”…but when it comes to knitting (Europeon or American) my eye starts to twitch, my palms get sweaty and start growing hair…LOL I love the look of knitting and would like to do afghans and scarves. I haven’t used my Knook yet but have hope that it may work for me. I have a complete set of Bamboo Crochet hooks (8.00 to 2.00) that I got on Ebay for a really good price and am going to atempt to sand the ends to a point and drill a hole in the end and create as many sizes of Knooks as I am able. They are a smoother Bamboo than the Leisure Art Knook needles the hook end also comes more to a point then the Leisure Art Brand…this is a complaint I read at their website (the hook end being to rounded). If you google Knook patterns a few do come up. I’m hoping if it does catch on more people will create patterns for it. I’m also hoping I can translate scarf & afghan patterns to use with it. Also read the compaint of the carrying thread fraying badly…think maybe mousetail cord will work in it’s place (available at most craft stores). Just a few ideas…for the cheap price I got it at Walmart it’s worth a try and if all else fails I can still use it to crochet with. 🙂

    • Thanks so much for sharing, Glenna! You’re totally right that as it catches on, more patterns will become available.

  26. Mildred Endrizzi SAYS...

    I know how to chrochet and have for years. never could master the art of knltting. I purchased the knook beginners kit. I do have trouble keeping the tension and I keep losing stiches. I had a time knowing how to use the strands and remove the the stiches from the hook. Not too thrilled with the results I am getting using the pattern from the kit to make the cowl scarf. maybe i am not wrapping my thread right

  27. Deb SAYS...

    There’s a cool blog on knooking here: called “I’d Rather Be Knooking.” I adopted her technique of using a nylon dress shoelace as the cord and now it is much easier to pick up the stitches than using the thin cord that came with the set, although it doesn’t fit into the hooks that come with the set. I use the shoelace with a Denise Interchangeable Crochet Hooks set. I superglued the end of a shoelace into one of the two connectors in that set, and now I have 12 different sized hooks I can knook with.

  28. kathleen SAYS...

    I just bought the knook today only because I just HAVE to have all the options. I absolutely love knitting and crocheting so I probably will try this then add it to my equipment trunk. 🙂

  29. Natalie SAYS...

    I appreciate your opinion re: the Knook. It helps to know what I’m in for before investing. I haven’t made up my mind yet, you make some valid points. I learned to knit at
    a very young age, but Iin my early twenties I taught mmyself how to crochet. I am Iin love with crochet, but like the Iidea of the knook.

  30. MaryES SAYS...

    I was a little surprised to see the “Learn to knit” repeat in this post and also the false information about the difficulty in converting knitting patterns into knooking patterns. I can crochet anything. I can’t learn to knit to save my life, but, I have always wanted to knit socks–and sweaters. I was ecstatic to find the knook because I was sure I’d found a way to make myself some “knit” socks.

    The only difference between knooking patterns and knitting patterns I have found is the cast on. Otherwise I am able to follow a knitting pattern exactly and end up with the same results. The string acts as the second needle with a built in life line. I have since upgraded my crochet hooks to an interchangeable set (size F to P) which comes with a verity of cord lengths I can use instead of the string. My husband is handy and made me an entire set of the sock yarn gauge hooks with some pony bead tubing, B, C, D, & E crochet hooks and glue (He also filed down the end of the hooks a little bit.)

    I am just shocked at how negative this is about what can actually be done with a knook.

    Knooking is probably not for everyone, but neither is knitting or crocheting. Also, the picture you show with the “knitted fabric” has twisted stitches. It’s easily fixed by acting as if the string is the second needle and inserting the hook as if you were knitting the fabric. Knitting is painfully long for me and it always looked horrible when I have finished the project, but knooking—my knit fabrics now look as wonderful as my crochet fabrics do.

    • Hi Mary-
      I’m very sorry that you’re disappointed with this blog post. However, the post is my personal opinion, and not meant to be a statement of fact about the knook.
      Everyone has different skill sets, so while you may find it completely trivial to convert a knitting pattern to a knooking pattern, other people may not. Just as you have difficulty knitting and others do not.
      I appreciate your positive review of knooking! And, as I said in my review, I think it’s a fine solution for those not interested in knitting!

  31. AnnMarie SAYS...

    I started out as a knitter I loved it I learned it in middle school but when I was around twenty my daughter as asked me to make her a Carrer for doll I spent days making it and my hands started to throb so my mom taught me to crochet now that I saw this knook I’m thinking I might give it try

  32. Chelsea SAYS...

    I am not sure where you are, but I just received my Mary Maxim spring/summer catalogue (Canada) and they have a Knook kit in there. I had never heard of it before now.

  33. Tina SAYS...

    So I recently found the kit in Walmart and have given it a preliminary try. As someone who learned to crochet first and excelled at it I found knitting extremely awkward and difficult to learn. No matter how many how-to guides I pick up I can’t quite get the motions down, so imagine my surprise at the ease of which I picked up “knooking”. The movements were much more familiar but I will say moving from cord back to hook was uncomfortable to say the least. However, I do hope that learning this technique will help serve to bridge the gap between crocheting and knitting and assist me in mastering the latter. My fingers are crossed! 🙂

  34. Emma SAYS...

    Can you use them as normal crochet hooks as well? And does Knooking use up more yarn than knitting, as crochet does?

    • I don’t think you can use a normal crochet hook, as you need it to carry along the length of cord that holds the stitches.
      I think knooking uses an amount of yarn similar to knitting.

      • Emma SAYS...

        What I meant was can you use the knooks for ordinary crochet as well?

        • Ah, I see what you’re saying! Yes, you can use the knook for normal crocheting, too!

  35. Ginger SAYS...

    I just got the Knook at our local Walmart. Like I need another project – not. I do weaving on the Martha Stewart weaving set, loom knit, crochet, and quilt. Always wanted to learn to knit, so will try the Knook out. I am left handed but the gal who taught me to crochet is right-handed, so that’s what I do. Thank goodness I divorced my ex and kept my crafts!

  36. Cheryl Godwin SAYS...

    So that’s what that is. This isn’t exactly a new thing just one that has been revived and is starting to become popular, the first time it never took off. I got one and only one of these hooks in a bag of craft stuff that I got at a garage sale and until now had no clue what it was, unfortunately there wasn’t another one with it. The one I got was from Boyd not Leisure Arts and this was about five or six years ago.

  37. Lynn Hotchkiss SAYS...

    When I first got a Knook kit, I was so frustrated by the stitch instructions. So I went to YouTube. Same thing. Worse actually because of different people doing different things. Finally wound up on the Leisure Arts website. Duh. Wonderful videos! So easily understood–finally made sense to me. These are the best knooking directions if you need them.

    • Mildred Enderizzi SAYS...

      I tried the knook. But was very confused with it . I worked with it several times and gave up . I can crochet but not knitting

    • Cheryl SAYS...

      I found the leisure arts videos on youtube and it looks pretty straightforward and not to hard to understand although I am left handed.

  38. Leslie Gentry SAYS...

    I came across “The Amazing Needle” and ordered one before Leisure Arts came out with their knook kit. I gave it a try but put it aside since I had crocheting wips at the time. I’ve always wanted to become proficient at knitting (I know how, but that’s about it) because I often prefer the look of knitting. Anyway, I recently took up the knitting needles again, but got so frustrated that I decided to get out that “amazing needle” (knook). Alas, it’s so slow-going and tedious! I’m wondering if the problem is the cord, which is a thin vinyl and fairly rigid.

  39. Brittany SAYS...

    I received a Knook for Christmas last year from my ex’s mom who also got herself one. After I opened it she said she hated it and couldn’t fossorial the thing to save her life. She gave me a ball of yarn and went to find a video on YouTube to show me how to work it. I flipped through the instruction manual and when she returned I already had about 3″ of stitching and was starting to try different techniques knit, purl, decrease, increase by the time I left I had half a scarf worth of different patterns. I LOVED it. It is so portable when I travel with knitting needles my project always works its way up the needle and drops off the ends even with end stoppers. Not any more when I complete a row I slide the stitches to the middle of the string and if my project is long enough roll the yarn ball up in the project and wrap the strings around the bundle and put a double bow in it. If its not long enough to wrap around the project I tie it around the yarn ball so everything stays together and the stitches aren’t pulled tight. Without the long pointy needles I can use a smaller bag without fear of the needles poking through the bag and dumping my project off somewhere. I have used several different knitting patterns without difficulty and found patterns with lots of picking up stitches are a breeze with the knook

    • That’s great feedback, Brittany! Thank you 🙂

  40. Katie SAYS...

    Having just spent a couple hours playing with the knook kit I got for Christmas… it has a major problem. My hands are cramping after only a little while trying to work a sample swatch the length of the hook. And this is coming from someone who can happily crochet all afternoon if given the time. There are no issues if you’re working with something that’s half the length of the hook or shorter, but the hooks are so small…

    I’d call it nigh unworkable unless longer hooks can be obtained. This is not reccomended for large projects at all.

    • The knook I used came with a string that worked (as a Tunisian hook) to extend the length of the hook. I agree it would be very unworkable without it!

      And, as you mention, the hook does only come in one ‘style’, so it is a major downside if the hook gives you a cramp, as there aren’t many alternative brands.

  41. Mawae Copeland SAYS...

    I have wondered about the Knook, too. Can anyone tell me how this differs for a crow hook crochet? I have used a double hook crochet needles known as a crow-hook of varying length and made numerous afghans.

  42. Cheryl SAYS...

    I am an avid crochet gal, I have tried knitting and can do it but with lots of time and some frustration on my part as well. I signed up for a giveaway from Leisure Crafts a few weeks back and forgot about it as I sing up for all sorts of giveaways and I got an e-mail today letting me know I won a knook kit so I went to youtube to watch a few videos and I am so ready to try this if I can do it better than knitting it would be great and then I will work on trying to convert some patterns to make afghans I got a new niece or nephew coming up in the near future! If it doesn’t work out it didn’t cost me a penny so I win either way!

  43. Pingback: Socks, caving, life | Perigrines Eyrie

  44. Bethany B. SAYS...

    I can’t knit for spit so I bought a Knook a couple of years ago when they came out. I started working with it without much success, and the bamboo stabbed me in the thumb. I put it away and didn’t mess with it.

    Then my brother asked me to make him a Doctor Who scarf which, if one wants to be really accurate with it, is knit stitch all the way. Given my lack of knitting skills, I looked at crochet alternatives, namely Tunisian which I knew could produce a knit look, but the back of the fabric doesn’t look knit and both sides of the DW scarf are garter.

    So out came my Knook. It is working fabulously for me, and I’ve only dropped one stitch so far. At which point I found the major downside to working with the Knook is the tear out – there is nothing to hold the stitches you are backing out of, so you must be very careful not to pull them all out, too. I may pick up a knitting needle for this.

    The item being longer than the Knook hook isn’t a problem as the purpose of the cord is to hold the extra stitches. It’s a simple cord and could easily be replaced with longer cording or ribbon or contrasting yarn or the like if needed to make larger items.

    I’ve picked up some good ideas on how to “convert” my standard hooks from the comments here, as well, for more size variety/comfort.

  45. Sarah SAYS...

    I’m really curious now. How is knooking different from, say, Tunisian?

    • That’s a really great question! Knooking replicates knitting, whereas Tunisian is a crochet stitch that just looks (sometimes) like knitting. The difference is really that string and the action you do with the knook. I’d be curious if folks have tried knooking with a Tunisian hook!

  46. Deana SAYS...

    Bought the Knook a couple of weeks ago. I am a crocheter who has always wanted to knit but can never get the hang of it. I have found Knooking so easy. Yes, it took lots of practice but I have Knooked swatches of cable stitch, moss stitch, and divided boxes. I followed the patterns from a beginner’s guide to knit stitches. I can send you pics of my work by email if you would like to see.

    • I’m happy you’re loving the knook, Deana!

  47. Rsamorose SAYS...

    You can already do this with an afghan hook. The piece of thread is handy for longer pieces that you want to do.

    • Yes, that is the main advantage… a string can be much more flexible than a 2 foot long hook!

  48. M Woesner SAYS...

    See Kathy Norris’s pattern book for dish cloths using single rake knitting looms, knooks,and knitting needles. Mitch

    • CĂ©dric_Knit (tiktok) SAYS...

      KNOOKING is from Japan, in japanese = é­”æł•ăź1æœŹé‡

      I have a tiktok about KNOOKING where I explain how knit turkish cast on , purl sitch , knit stitch , increase…. and how read patern knit with knooking

      I share more tips

      Tiktok : Cedric_knit

      I hope it’s can help

      thank you

  49. Astrid Appleton SAYS...

    I just bought 2 knooks made by knit pro, love has those and a bundle of interchangeable ones. I’m hoping it will be less boring than knitting garter stitch for scarves and cowls. I’m told that a knook can be taken on planes when some airlines won’t allow knitting needles.
    I’ve really enjoyed reading so many views on this thread, enjoyed remembering the fashion book that came with the k tel knitter and the ball of yellow yarn, and found the links people posted really useful

  50. Karla SAYS...

    I am trying to learn the knook but I just can’t get the hang of it. Somehow the cord gets tangled.

    • It’s satin cord, sometimes also called rattail cord.

    • Life long needle person SAYS...

      It doesn’t matter as long as its diameter is less than the hook (knook)
      It should be smooth, longer than the work is wide to prevent accidentally falling off, and a contrasting color to the work to easily distinguish it from the working yarn.

  51. Ann SAYS...

    I hadn’t heard of this either till this morning! I have a larger locker hook in use at present, making a rug and I do lots of crochet, tunisian and also knit, but this hook sounded weird. Sounds like a must-try, using my locker hook!

    I checked & they are now available (here in UK), made by both Addi and KnitPro.

  52. Anonymous SAYS...

    Well it’s actually a very classical firm of crochet called tunisian crochet.

  53. Life long knitter and crocheter SAYS...

    While knooking is not knitting, it does produce a knitted fabric indistinguishable from knitting. Let’s say it’s a non traditional method of knitting. If you knit there is no conceivable reason to knook. This is not politically correct, however it is apt, but I think it’s a method for the handicapped with the paradox that it actually makes it more arduous to achieve the same result, while at the same time more achievable.
    Sadly, you’d have to get pretty good at it to produce a good quality fabric vis a vis tension, and I doubt that many knookers will achieve a good rhythm that makes it satisfying, but I could be wrong about that. Anything repeated enough times can become natural.
    If you can do arithmetic you know that 5 take away 3 are 2.
    If you cannot you may take 5 objects, remove 3 of them, and then count the remaining objects. The same result of 2.
    This is knitting vs. knooking.

  54. Karen SAYS...

    Love trying new things. My girlfriend gave me a book on knooking. Never heard of it. Looked it over and I was interested. So I ordered a knook needle. Will see when it comes in how it goes. I love to crochet, I could never get into knitting.