It’s Show & tell Time again! And today I’m sharing some AMAZING quilts that Shiny Happy People have been making. 🙂
On Safari
Diane made a beautiful version of the Safari Quilt.
Now it’s hanging in the Sunday School wing of her church. 🙂
Pattern: Safari Quilt
Karrie’s Cats
Love the minky back for extra cuddliness!
Karrie writes. . .
Here is my cat quilt with a minky back. Second quilt ever & your tutorials gave me confidence to do it 🙂
I love hearing that! And it turned out great!
Pattern: Cats quilt
Cindi’s Controlled Chaos
Look at these blocks!
Cindi writes. . .
Really enjoying working on these blocks and this quilt. Kind of glad now that I’m so far behind in the blocks, I don’t know if I could wait for the next block to come out. Thanks so much for the tutorials they are very helpful. I love sewing and feel so happy I can finally use the fabric pieces I have saved for something other than taking up space.
I can’t wait to see the finished quilt!
Pattern: Controlled Chaos (free ongoing series)
Stephanie’s Noisy Farm
I love the colors!
There’s one particularly noisy member of Stephanie’s farm. Her grandson!
Stephanie writes. . .
My 3 month old grandson Henry has been keeping my daughter and son-in-law up all night. So I decided to make a pillow featuring Henry as a rooster.
Ha! Ha! Ha! I love it!
Pattern: Noisy Farm
Stephanie also made a sweet pillow for a friend.
Stephanie writes. . .
I made a small pillow for a friend who’d just lost her orange tabby. I added two mice to balance the design. I used wool felt because I liked the colors I had in my sewing room.
What a sweet gift!
Pattern: Spooky Cat (free) and the mice from the Noisy Farm Quilt
Jake’s Memorial Quilt
I’m so touched by the people using the dog and cat patterns to memorialize their beloved pets.
Deborah writes. . .
I never thought about sending a picture of my quilt until I read your newsletter. I did a blue backing to finish it. It was dedicated to our Lab, Jake, who passed away in November.
Here’s a detail of the memorial block for Jake.
So, so sweet.
Pattern: Puppies Quilt
Jill’s Charity Quilt
Just look at the colors in this one!
Jill writes. . .
Thanks for your Charity Quilt pattern–I tried it and it was so fun and easy and a terrific way to use up all those scraps I can’t seem to throw out…Â Also, thanks sooo much for your Quilt As You Go tutorial…now I finally get it and what a difference!
It’s sooooooo pretty!
Pattern: Scrappy Charity Quilt (free)
Anne-Marie’s Beautiful Birds
Can you believe this is her first quilt?
Anne-Marie writes. . .
I’m sure it’s not perfect by any means but it’s not too bad for my first attempt at a quilt!
Thanks so much for the beautiful pattern, I loved using it and have had loads of friends ask me where I got it! I’ll have to find something else to do with my time now…..maybe some matching cushions??!!!
I can’t wait to see what she makes next!
Pattern: Chirp Quilt
Joy’s Baby Quilt
I love this sweet baby quilt!
Joy writes. .
Thanks to your lovely pattern, clear instructions and hints about the sticky stuff (whatever it is called) we finished our quilt for baby Lucia Rosalie Sharpe. We embroidered the dog’s names and some contributors made up their own dogs names, hence the inclusion of “Lulu” and “Karl.”
I love it! And for those wondering – the “sticky stuff” is Sulky Sticky Fabri-solvy and it’s terrific for adding embroidered details like these sweet puppy names. 🙂
Pattern: Puppy Quilt
More Adorable Puppies
Look at Rebecca’s quilt! She added a mutt!
Rebecca writes. . .
I really enjoyed this method of quilting. But I had to play around with the pattern just a little. I always do. I made all the ears floppy. And rather than make a one dog more than once I took pits from one dog and matched it with another to make a true mutt. And of course I added borders. Thanks so much for the pattern and tutorials. All very helpful.
Pattern: Puppies Quilt
Clever (and Easy) Pillow Cases!
What a great way to use applique patterns!
Carolyn writes. . .
Easter pillow cases for my three boys. 🙂 Very quick applique onto cheap store bought pillow cases as time is a little short this Easter!
I love these! I’m always so excited to show additional ways to use an applique patterns and these are terrific!
Pattern: Mix & Match Bunny Blocks (free)
Mimi’s Bunnies
Mimi used the same bunny pattern to make this springtime table runner. I love how it turned out!
Pattern: Mix & Match Bunny Blocks (free)
Maria’s Cats (and friends)
I love all the little friends that Maria added to the Cats Quilt!
Look closely! You’ll see a bee, a spider, a mouse, and a fabulous fish in a bowl!
Pattern: Cats Quilt
Cats and Dogs. . . Living Together
Just look at what Jeanne made!
Jeanne writes. . .
Here is the dog/cat quilt I made to donate to a local animal shelter as part of their fundraiser. It was raffled off and made some nice $$$ for our furry friends.
Two of my favorite things – people mixing and matching blocks from different quilts, and quilts made for animal shelter fundraisers!
Also – fantastic fabric selection on this beauty!
Patterns: Cats Quilt and Puppies Quilt
What a fantastic and inspiring collection of quilts! Thanks so much to everyone for sharing!
Happy sewing!

I love these show and tell posts! All the quilts are so adorable.
They’re some of my favorite posts to write!